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Posts/Digital Receipt #2/Week #2 Response

Digital Receipt #2 (Week #2 Backpacks)

Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

When remembering a moment with rhetoric used was an ad I saw in Youtube done by Peta I think. It started with an owl screaming which probably appeals to pathos. Due to no one liking to hear an animal in pain and then would proceed by mentioning how experiments were being done with the owl, while the owl screaming is still being played. Another instance of rhetoric I saw being used was St Jude Children’s Research hospital with how they show children in hospitals and having small interviews with them. This appeal to pathos with how children in pain ain’t great to see. Possible people who are affected by that could be parents because of how parents tend to be close to children so it would appeal to their hearts. I would think in a rhetorical way when I choose what to wear to head outside sometimes. This is mainly done by me wearing long sleeves more than short sleeves. A bit of that has to do with me not wanting to show too much skin and being self conscious of what others think. During some ads I watch on tv tend to sell medicine or devices that could help out people. They would always mention that the product is always approved by a doctor which is a sign of ethos. That’s due to a credible person approving of the item which is a doctor, who’s fields are usually on people’s health. Cell phone services would make ads saying they have great networks by showing how far a phone can be used without WIFI. The rhetoric used would be logos because they show a map of the United States and how their service would cover most of the place, they even put side by side with another competitor network service to show they have the better service.


Class September 13, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

See y’all at 2pm at our class Zoom link!

Be prepared to discuss the WLLN assignment!

We will also spend time during class today working on some brainstorming for the WLLN assignment. Please come prepared to write on a device of your choosing!

Gentle reminder to not email me any of your work. I cannot filter thousands of daily emails. Please post everything to the course site using the appropriate post category!

Digital Receipt #2/Digital Receipt #2

Digital Receipt#2

Posted by Shaoqin Li (He/him) on

After reading “Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps Towards Rhetorical Analysis” by Laura Bollin Carroll, I find out there is actually a lot of rhetoric that is in our daily life and we are using rhetorical analysis all the time without knowing it. One of the rhetoric that I have seen is an advertisement about bubble tea. Let’s explain what bubble tea is in case somebody doesn’t know, bubble tea can be considered a drink mixed with milk, sugar, and tea is a famous drink in China. And the ad about bubble tea is on the Chinese version of TikTok called “douyin”, as known, TikTok is a short video app, so this ad must have a very attractive headline or slogan and content that makes people have the patience to watch the ad and will remember it. So this sponsored video is basically a drama that talks about the autumn season coming, a girl is walking on the road, rubbing her hands because she was freezing, and suddenly her boyfriend comes out from her back, holding her hand and gives her as warm bubble tea to warm her hand, the video at this time is about to end, at the last scene, a slogan comes out. Saying “ the first cup of bubble tea in the fall”. And after 12 hrs, this ad went on fire and it became very trending on TikTok, during that time period, basically, every three videos, one video is about bubble tea. But to be honest, I actually couldn’t get the point of it because I realized it was an advertisement from those bubble tea facilities. They are combining bubble tea with the love of a couple, just the diamond strategy. The exigence of this case is your girlfriend is freezing. The audience then will be those couples because the girls want the boys to buy them bubble tea to show how much he loves them. The constraint is just the limiting of time since it was posted on TikTok, and the reason why they posted it here is also to facilitate the audience since usually, young people will care about this stuff and TikTok was mostly for young people that are using.

Rhetorical Analysis/Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis- Samar Normand

Posted by Samar Normand (she/her) on


Samar Normand

Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Rhetorical Analysis Response

Rhetorical Analysis is noticing the smaller details around you. Subconsciously you make quick judgements and analysis everyday. The main elements rhetorical Analysis includes are: the audience, purpose, medium, context, language and formality. 

In my day to day life, I have learnt to be a lot less judgmental as we are all going through something, however I definitely observe and watch how people move, act, speak, and style. I find it very interesting to witness human beings in their own worlds living. As well as people, I experience situations like a room with loud music and lights, and draw conclusions and judgements based on the environment, visual situation, and how I feel.  

Laura Bolin Caroll emphasizes being curious about rhetoric: Question the context, and formulate opinions on your beliefs after the message is heard/witnessed. Included in a persuasive argument are: Logos, Pathos and Ethos. Only using one component will likely not be as powerful as using all three appeals, which entails reason, emotion and credibility. Pathos can be conveyed through an anecdote, images, and humor. 

Rhetoric is used in various ways such as: cartoons, videos, images, graphs. All of these include an aspect of persuasion, meaning they would like you to believe a certain thing, and accept they are correct. Rhetorical Analysis helps avoid falling into a one way thinking mind trap, it allows for interest and question. This type of Analysis is also helpful to understand as we encounter a variety of different situations where we should be inquisitive about what is going on. 

Posts/Digital Receipt #2

Digital Receipt #2

Posted by Anniel Buckley (she/her) on

Rhetorical analysis analyzes the symbolic artifacts of discourse—the words, phrases, images, gestures, performances, texts, films, etc. It involves three different parts which are ethos , logos , and pathos. Logos use data , evidence , and statistics to convey their argument . Pathos uses the audience’s emotion to persuade them for what they are trying to advertise . Ethos is the writers credibility and their character to move the audience to agree with them. I see that rhetorical analysis can also be viewed as a subconscious thing most people don’t even know that they’re doing it . For example while waiting for the train you see another person, you might make a inference based on what they wear, what kind of hairstyle they have , what type of purse/backpack their wearing. Others might call this being judgemental but it can really be viewed as rhetorical analysis. A way how i might participate in rhetorical analysis is me picking what to wear everyday. While most people dress on how they or the weather but I dress on how others might see my outfit, the type of message that certain colors might, and what type of person they might view me as .

Week #2 Response/Week #2 Response

Backpacks vs Briefcases Response

Posted by Samea Ahmed (she/her) on

Backpacks vs. Briefcases by Laura Bolin Carroll talks about Rhetorical Analysis.  The author starts off by opening a scenario to the reader in order to get one thinking about first impressions.  She helps visualize the first day of class when our professor first walks in.  The questions that come to mind, the observations we make, and the judgment that it results in. Only after reading this did I realize that I have in fact done this to my professor without even knowing it. Just in a more limited way, since we only get to meet on a zoom conference call. So, I made sure to expand my resources without knowing of course, that subconsciously I was doing this to make a fair judgment of character.  The first thing I did was look up “Jesse Rice – Evans’ ‘ on Rate My Professor. That was my first step in gaining intel to draw my conclusion.  I was so relieved and happy to see the rating and read the comments on what others had to say about them. That was also the first textual interpretation, the second being when I received a response from them by email. I was unaware that I was judging the language professor Evans used in the email, but they sounded enthusiastic and welcoming, further adding to my so-far favorable conclusion. I also dived into the website she had linked under her email to further gather information. Following that, I had watched the zoom recording and joined the next zoom meeting in which I had the chance to see her live. I unknowingly made good judgments off of her cute hair style, her attitude and energy. I even took into notice her background and little details such as the little avocado drawing on her wall, super cute. I drew a solid conclusion that she seemed like an amazing person who would lead an easy and enjoyable class.

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