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186 Articles

Week #2 Response/Week #2 Response

Week 2 Response

Posted by Anniel Buckley (she/her) on

Some rhetoric things that I see and hear on a daily basis would have been the “Kars4Kids” ads that play while I’m watching the news in the morning and also this billboard ad for Apple advertising Ipads. The Kars4Kids ad uses pathos to try to persuade its audience to donate their cars to this company so that the money goes to low-income children. It plays right after the news because the news is something that mostly older people watch so they would be more likely to donate their car rather than a teenager. The billboard ad for apple uses lago while trying to inform about  how high powered their new Ipad is and how it compares to other tablets. This ad is trying to persuade people to buy the newest. Ipad When I wake up every morning for school and try to pick an outfit for the day I am subconsciously thinking in a rhetorical way. How people will view my outfit or hair plays a big part because I always try to look put together and dress my best .The message I’m trying to communicate is that I’m a put together and friendly person. Back in high school we used to have speakers come to our school and we would have a drug assembly where they would tell us how bad drugs were for and what can happen if you continue to start taking drugs . The exigence was that they believed if they could stop drug use at early teenage stages they would have a chance to prevent it long term. The audience were high school students because most people start heavy drugs while they’re still in high school. The constraints would be the limit on how graphic they could go in order to see the effects of drugs.


Class #2: September 1, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hi all,

I just realized that I misunderstood our course schedule and I want to discuss how my misunderstanding has impacted y’all. I see that we are scheduled to meet synchronously on Tuesdays, not Thursdays. This is my misunderstanding and we will take time during our class meeting tomorrow. If you cannot attend our current class meeting time due to a scheduling conflict, please email me directly at 

No absences or lateness will count against you until we finalize our class schedule TOGETHER. My sincere apologies for any confusion this has caused y’all. 

Tomorrow (Thursday September 1) at 2pm I will lead us in a WordPress crash course for using our site at our class Zoom link.

If you have created a CUNY Academic Commons account, you should have an email inviting you to join our course site! Please follow the link and instructions there to become an author on our course site. If you’re having technical issues, plan to discuss this with me tomorrow. 

Thanks very much for your patience!



Class #1: August 25, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Greetings all,

The recording of our first class meeting is available! Here is a link to the YT video of our first meeting on Thursday August 25, 2022. Captions forthcoming!

I have seen quite a few comments up on the course site! They’re all looking great. The assignment is to successfully post a comment. If you have done this, you have completed the assignment. Great job!!!

Additionally, you will see several short readings posted. Please read these for us to discuss on Thursday!

Remember: we do not meet synchronously on Tuesdays. This means no Zoom meeting! Use the 75 minutes we have scheduled for class to complete your assignments on your own time. Please submit all work for each week by the end of the day on Wednesday! We will meet again on Thursday at 2pm using the Zoom link posted to the course site.

I’ll be adding everyone to the course site this week!

Please remember to check the course calendar for your assignments for the week! Bookmark this page!!!

More soon,



Class #1: August 25, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Greetings all,

Please be sure that you’ve connected your CCNY email address to your Blackboard account! We’ll use Blackboard for announcements and we’ll use our course site for everything else.

Be prepared to meet at our scheduled time tomorrow (2PM EST) at this Zoom link.


Please go ahead and sign up for a CUNY Academic Commons account using your CUNY email address. Here’s a link to the Help section of the Commons:

Tomorrow we will take a brief site tour and introduce ourselves, then go over some expectations for this course. 

Looking forward to meeting everyone at 2PM on Thursday, August 25, 2022!

More soon,


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