John Suquinagua (He)

Digital Receipts/Digital Receipt #10/Week #10 Response

Digital Receipt #10

Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

When searching up for the rhetorical assignment, I already had in mind what source to use for it. That source was the promotional material for the St Jude Children Hospital. This was mainly because I remember seeing so much promos of it during when I watched a lot of tv in the past. They would well show the kids in the promo explaining their condition and what they went through. This was a perfect example of pathos because it uses mainly emotions of people since no one would want to see children in pain.

Assignments/Researched Essay/WLLN


Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

After finishing college, students would be excited, ready to pursue their dream jobs, spend time with family if it was hard to do before and many more things. However, they soon realized about something that has been with them ever since they began college, debt. They could have possibly gained around 20,000 or maybe even 40,000 in debt, it being dependent on their situation. This debt that students are having is called student loan debt, it’s when they use up loans which then leads to them having to pay back the loaner, the ones who gave them the loans. The main reason why some students use loans is because they need a lot of money in order to pay for college. It varies depending on the school the student goes to, their major and whether or not they gained enough credits to gain their diploma. They would need to make sure to pay back the debt which will take a long while to there being reports of some after 10 or so years out of college still paying it off. With that said, student loan debt should not be around because not only does it affect the students once they graduate, but it even affects them during school.

With student loan debt usually being something dealt with after college is done, doesn’t mean it does not fill in the heads of the students during college. This would then impact things for students in college, that being their grades. There have been some studies done to show this, an example being with the Montana University System (MUS), they used the school to gain data to check their theory. Their theory being that student performance is affected by what they choose to help them get into colleges. Their discovery was that students do perform better when they don’t use loans, it’s shown in their GPA (College Financing Choices and Academic Performance). Another instance was when they used the Ohio State University’s 2014 National Student Financial Wellness Study, this would have them see the financial situation and other ones. This would then reveal to them that GPAs are lowered down and even how long it takes to gain the degrees since they require credits but failing classes means that won’t be given to the students (Student Loans, Academic Performance, and Degree Completion). With debt having an effect on grades of the students, with that evidence it does how it has its toll on there. With their GPAs low it can also mean they could gain more debt since they need to enter more classes to get credits but to do that they need money. Now having gone through all of that in college, they still have to actually deal with it front and center once they graduate which already has some effect on them. 

Having now made it out of college, students are now having to confront the debt they had made due to the loans they picked up. This debt would have some repercussions on their lives now being adults. Examples being they can be stressed out while paying over the debt. It’s shown with how people in debt are said to stay in jobs that they would rather not be, not see family, start a family (The Psychological Toll of Student Debt). Now having stress alongside there, they aren’t even able to safely know what will happen to them financially. This instance was shown with James Rudert, with him having graduated from college, he wanted to go and help in a non profit organization that helps disabled veterans. However, he has debt to pay off which then adds to him wanting to help out. It had him do both in order to pay off the debt but it’s shown he wasn’t able to get a house and doesn’t know what the future holds financially speaking (Few graduates working in public service have received expected break on loans). With all of that, the effects once they leave college can be being stressed out due to circumstances they are in like jobs or even not being able to do stuff they wanted to do. 

Student loan debt is something many students should have to deal with due to the effects it can cause on them in and out of college. Their own grades and even reaching to get their degree can be impacted. Their grades would be lowered down and it takes awhile for them to get their degrees meaning they have to spend more money to attend classes. Once they are out of college they then have to deal with the debt now. This can severely affect their mental health with having to put hold of things they like and be in jobs they probably wouldn’t even like to have. Having all of that, student loan debt should not be around because it only gets worse with how now the world has to deal with trying to fix the economy and dealing with inflation.


Stoddard Christiana, Urban Carly and Schmeiser D. Maximilian, “College Financing Choices 

and Academic Performance” Gale Power Search, Gale Power Search, Fall 2018,

Eric Facer, “Student Loans, Academic Performance, Degree Completion”, Weber, Weber,

J Geiman “The Psychological Toll Student Debt” The Center Law and Social Policy, The Center Law and Social Policy, 8 October 2021

Svrluga, Susan. “Few graduates working in public service have received expected break on loans.” Washington Post, 26 Sept. 2018. Gale Academic OneFile

Assignments/Rhetorical Analysis

Assignment #2 (Rhetorical Analysis)

Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

There are ads around the internet or even tv that are there to promote their products or cause. An example of this would be the promos of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital that are shown off. They would usually consist of  having kids in a hospital, either being hooked up by things to check them, doctors around checking them or explaining their conditions like having cancer. A  promo that was on YouTube revealed in YouTube it showed 3 kids telling their conditions. With then a narrator explaining what they do in St Jude’s Hospital and revealing the reactions of the parents like how one saw their child playing but then afterwards loses all of her hair.  The strategy that would be used here is pathos. Pathos is a rhetorical strategy that uses people’s emotions in order to convince them to side with their argument. This can be seen a lot of the time in the promo with it showing doctors checking up on the kids who all don’t have hair. The kids then explain their conditions like one of them having cancer and another having leukemia. This would affect anybody with how no one would want to see a child go through with a fatal disease. Then on top of that they have the parents there as they talk about their reactions to it like the one mentioned before. This can be heartbreaking to anyone especially other parents as they hate to see their own children sick. It’s quite interesting using this strategy because it is probably the most effective way to gain support from other people by donations. That’s because it would have children shown off there which to many are seen as people that shouldn’t be in pain. However, the promo reveals them having fatal diseases with their parents in shock. This then appeals to them, gaining St Jude the donations they would need in order to support the children in their hospitals plus allows the parents not having to pay a lot of money due to it being costly to go to the hospital.

Assignments/WLLN/Posts/Digital Receipt #7

WLLN Assignment #1 (Cover Letter, Digital Receipt 7)

Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

While writing this paper, I began to tailor it with the audience by explaining in detail how I got into literature. That’s why I had explained what happened to me in 9th grade with learning new things about literature like foreshadowing. Which later on affected me into watching more stories in media like Black Mirror, Attack on Titan, Death Note and more shows. I then begin to explain one of those shows that is Black Mirror to show how much detail was placed into it. This should hopefully show the viewer on why I like this aspect of literature and an example of that being used in a show. What I noticed when I wrote this was that I was able to write a lot more than I thought because in some other papers I would have a harder time to write more things in it to meet the quota on how much should be written. Here not so much due to the subject being something I enjoy to see and explaining it was pretty nice and relaxing. Another insight was my writing seems basic where I have simple English, I don’t say any complicated words just using simple words. I have seen it in my other works too where I don’t use more complex words or sentences I think anyways. Concepts that have impacted my piece as well as the author since it seems the creators for at least Black mirror have made sure to explain more things of the episode they made and how they placed a lot of detail in it. Whether one was having music that represented the characters personalities or how they took inspiration from things that had happened in real life.

Stories have interested me in the past but those were mainly from what I remember shows from tv like Spider man or Spongebob. Books I had mainly seen when I needed to but I would usually choose magic treehouse series of books because I did like the stories and adventures the characters get me. They were all interesting but I haven’t known them much other than being fun until 9th grade. 9th grade I had an English class which was okay during the beginning, however when we reach I think the middle and end of the year. We began to learn about literary devices, they are an aspect of writing that can be identified and help it out. Only one that has stuck with me to this day was foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is when a hint to something that happens in the story in the future. This had me interested a lot when I heard about it and the reading I think we had and analyzed was the Veldt. In there it had some analyzing we had to do and one I remembered while writing this was the lions. In the end of the story the lions had eaten some people, this was possibly foreshadowed with how in the beginning it talked about lions eating and it heading to drink water, exactly what it had done at the end of the story. This was a spark of interest with things later on in the future furthering my interest, an example was a show they revealed in that class being Black Mirror. It led to me searching the show with how interesting the concept was and how much detail is placed into each episode which has its own story in them. They had introduced a new literary device that was symbolism. Symbolism is things that tend to represent other things. An example could be using pink to represent love or red to represent something dangerous. These two literary devices had me look into more shows and enjoy stories even more with them. Some of these shows or stories were Attack on Titan, Death Note, Xenoblade and possibly more that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

Black Mirror is a show about technology and how people are seen using the technology. It’s a dark show at times showing how technology can affect people in the future, whether it’s by a rate system people can do to others that determine their status in the world or making digital clones of people. All the episodes have their own stories making it an anthology series that can have some references to previous episodes. They also contain some details whether it’s symbolism or foreshadowing.

An example of symbolism was in the episode “15 million merits” with the main character receiving a hand crafted penguin statue, representing it being much more real and heartwarming. Then at the end he receives a penguin statue that’s made from a factory, this is to show at the start he was willing to fight the system they had lived on. This was a system where to get a better life you needed some celebrity like America’s Got Talent. However, when he vented his frustration he then gained his own show about saying he will fight the system and tell everyone to not give up. That is all an act for a show, revealing he traded his will to fight for a good cause to get a better lifestyle which could be debated is still not real. Another instance with symbolism and also foreshadowing was “Black Christmas”, in a scene there are two people about to have alone time. There is a wall with three Xs that glow red which indicate the situation they are in on both that part but also the violence that will soon happen. There was another shot with the girl leaving only to then be followed up by a scene with a character sharpening his knife. There are more scenes and episodes that show something like, I recommend checking it out at least the first few seasons.

When discovering literature it can be nice to see the little details that soon become prevalent later on makes me see how much care was placed into writing the stories. Showing how everything is connected made me even want to try writing stories myself. Due to how great it can be to see a story come together, the lessons shown, small bits to show something grander later on. It has made me watch more stories mainly in anime, games and sometimes some books. The stories have also impacted me like Black Mirror with the technology being shown in the series becoming more and more real which scares me.

I just found out that in an interview the creators for that episode had actually inspired the robot dogs from the dog from the left, regardless the advances that had been done as of now is impressive and scary to think of at least for me.

Like the dogs from metalhead or the app that lets people review others on how they act from the episode nosedive. I hope to soon learn more about stories and what they offer to the readers.

Digital Receipt #5/WLLN Draft/Digital Receipt #5/WLLN Draft

WLLN Draft #1

Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

Stories have interested me in the past but those were mainly from what I remember shows from tv like Spider man or Spongebob. Books I had mainly seen when I needed to but I would usually choose magic treehouse series of books because I did like the stories and adventures the characters get me. They were all interesting but I haven’t known them much other than being fun until 9th grade. During 9th grade, I had an English class which was okay during the beginning, however when we reach I think the middle and end of the year. We began to analyze more about stories like what they have and all of that which we did do at the start but it got interesting with learning one part of writing some stories. The part we learned during the middle was foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is when a hint to something that happens in the story in the future. This had me interested a lot when I heard about it and the reading I think we had and analyzed was the Veldt. In there it had some analyzing we had to do and one I remembered while writing this was the lions. In the end of the story the lions had eaten some people and was heading out to drink, this was possibly foreshadowed with how in the beginning it talked about lions eating and it heading to drink water, exactly what the lion had done at the end of the story. This was a spark of interest with things later on in the future furthering my interest, an example was a show they revealed in that class being Black Mirror. It led to me searching the show with how interesting the concept was and how much detail is placed into each episode which has its own story in them. They had introduced me to something else in stories which was symbolism. Symbolism is when there they show something that has a meaning behind it. An example could be using pink to represent love or red to represent something dangerous. These two aspects in stories had me look into more stories and enjoyed them a lot more. Some of these stories were Attack on Titan, Death Note, Xenoblade and possibly more that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

Posts/Digital Receipt #2/Week #2 Response

Digital Receipt #2 (Week #2 Backpacks)

Posted by John Suquinagua (He) on

When remembering a moment with rhetoric used was an ad I saw in Youtube done by Peta I think. It started with an owl screaming which probably appeals to pathos. Due to no one liking to hear an animal in pain and then would proceed by mentioning how experiments were being done with the owl, while the owl screaming is still being played. Another instance of rhetoric I saw being used was St Jude Children’s Research hospital with how they show children in hospitals and having small interviews with them. This appeal to pathos with how children in pain ain’t great to see. Possible people who are affected by that could be parents because of how parents tend to be close to children so it would appeal to their hearts. I would think in a rhetorical way when I choose what to wear to head outside sometimes. This is mainly done by me wearing long sleeves more than short sleeves. A bit of that has to do with me not wanting to show too much skin and being self conscious of what others think. During some ads I watch on tv tend to sell medicine or devices that could help out people. They would always mention that the product is always approved by a doctor which is a sign of ethos. That’s due to a credible person approving of the item which is a doctor, who’s fields are usually on people’s health. Cell phone services would make ads saying they have great networks by showing how far a phone can be used without WIFI. The rhetoric used would be logos because they show a map of the United States and how their service would cover most of the place, they even put side by side with another competitor network service to show they have the better service.

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