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Researched Essay/Researched Essay

Research Essay

Posted by Samar Normand (she/her) on

Samar Normand

Why social media, specifically instagram is detrimental to our mental and overall health.

Social media was created as a tool for self expression, creativity and authenticity. In recent years, this has shifted from a positive space, to an ugly, scary, never ending nightmare. Instagram specifically is now designed for comparison, constant scrolling and mental health declining. 

Firstly, I will be discussing how cyberbullying on social media, specifically Instagram is harmful and destructive. Social media platforms have taken over and there are rising numbers in the amount of time spend mindlessly scrolling. New research has conveyed the increased amount of hours spent online can be linked to cyberbullying type behaviors. Cyberbullying is especially damaging as it takes place online, with no face to put to a disrespectful comment. More than one in five young teenage girls experience bullying on Instagram. Children are beginning to utilize social media at a younger age, and having this external source so heavily implemented into daily lives, cognitive development and functioning appear to be going down. Cyberbullying can be presented in a variety of ways: comments, harassment, false information put out or spread, stalking and more. Researchers have also stated, bullies on Instagram and other social media feel a lack of empathy and remorse since they are able to find behind a screen.

Secondly, I will be addressing the impacts of social media on todays education system. There is a dramatic difference from when social media was first created to how it is used now. Using social media in an academic setting may seem new and innovative, however research has shown including phones in the classroom is linked to poor academic performance, as attention is distributed towards many different things, not fully on the work. Students use their phones and social media platforms like Instagram to browse, speak to friends, and distract themselves from the task at hand. 68% of students said they don’t get enough sleep because of social media — this also contributes towards declining academic performance and ability to concentrate in school. 

Thirdly, I will be explaining how social media is linked to the development of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and more. Instagram is linked to a chemical called dopamine, making us feel good and satisfied when we see likes, comments and messages— which is why we often go back, even whilst knowing and understanding the negative effects. According to the PEW Research Center, 69% of adults and 81% of teenagers in the United States use social media, and Instagram has lead to depression by 7% and anxiety disorder by 20%. Scrolling for hours on Instagram can increase feelings of the fear of missing out, anxiety, sadness, comparison, insomnia. Studies have shown that eating disorders in adolescents girls has increased over the last 50 years, where 0.48% of girls experience anorexia nervosa and 1 to 5% of girls experience bulimia nervosa. The portrayal of false and distorted images causes concerns about body weight, shape and size, insecurities within the body, which causes young girls to lose weight and later develop eating disorders. Media emphasizes and centers the idea of a perfect, skinny body, which is unrealistic and is not healthily attainable. 

To conclude, instagram and social media have a variety of negative effects on mental, physical and spiritual health which can cause severe damage to the mind and body. Conversations and discussions should be had regarding how we can improve the ways we utilize social media. 


Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Assignment #1 – Multimodal Language and Literacy Narrative

Posted by Samar Normand (she/her) on

Samar Normand

Assignment #1: Multimodal Language and Literacy Narrative

In my junior year of high school, our final assignment was to create a piece of art: poem, song, writing, etc, on topic of The Great Gatsby. I chose to make a mini booklet (2-4 pages) of different short poems relating to the different perspectives of Gatsby, Daisy, the Green light. I spend hours attempting to come up with a “good poem”, after speaking to my father who writes poetry in his own time, I became inspired and began to find a groove to my writing. When I take the subway in the city, I will often see short poetry at the end of the cart and I always stop to take a photograph. Reading these little words of wisdom, on a day where I feel down, truly is enlightening, encouraging and inspiring. A key moment language and literacy moment I had was during the summer of 2019. I was sitting alone in my grandmas apartment and thinking about how lonely I felt, especially due to social media. I sat on the corner of the bed and wrote my first short poem in 10 minutes. “Its a sick ailing feeling, opening these devices which should be used as tools of comfort but instead obliterate pure beauty. We gaze into the very souls of these instruments longing for acceptance, we crave synthetic validation, tangible moments become lost and passionate bonds are broken. It does more than destroy interconnection, but can shatter an innocent beautiful mind. Time is wasted scrolling mindlessly through distorted images and false personas. The touch between one and another is slowly fading. It will taunt your inner being and trick your mind into thinking you adore it, when you only ever admired the feeling of affinity.” — This is a poem I felt very overwhelmed but very proud of. It was very emotional writing about this as I have my fair share of struggles with social media and at times it is hard to accept the truth. Someone who contributed and connected to my language and literacy was my senior year high school English teacher. Mr. Abrams was always incredibly supportive and creative, he encouraged me to dig deeper and keep writing. 

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Posted by Teresa Calcano on

Teresa Calcano

Professor Jesse Evans

ENGL 110

Language & Literacy Narrative

A language does not define an individual; it separates them from their cultural community. As childhood emerged, my extended Dominican family made me proud of my heritage and culture. Yet, language was something that made me feel like an outcast within my community. As a Spanish speaker, a lack of knowledge of my native language kept me from deeper connections and building close relationships with my family and Spanish kids my age. As a result of these judgments, I began to doubt my ethnicity.

An article showing Hispanics questioning themselves due to their lack of native language:

In New York City, I live in a Hispanic-populated community. As a result, I deal with the disadvantages of my Spanish-speaking every day. For example, when I have to translate for my mom, I get anxious because I’m not giving the proper translation from both ends, which leads to confusion and mix-ups. In Washington Heights, a stranger can come to me asking for directions in Spanish. I don’t dare to help them. 

Based on my resume, it can be troubling because I can’t consider myself bilingual due to my issue and past occasions. Therefore, I don’t put it in my skills section. As looking for a job, I question whether a manager can rely on me, so I don’t try to apply for jobs for bilinguals, which have more options and pay.

The Dominican Republic was the destination for a month-long visit of my family last year. Since I hadn’t been there in years, I was excited to return to my home country. As we landed, nervousness set in. It was overwhelming to experience such a different environment, climate, and language. We got to our temporary apartment and went to a mall in the city. As a first-time restaurant customer in the country, I ordered several times because the worker was confused. My embarrassment took over after that because I tried to mask myself as a native but failed miserably. 

During our trip, we slept over at the family’s house. I found communicating with them challenging, but they were extremely friendly and tried their best to make me feel at home. At the local park, my aunt and I went for a walk. Our conversation focused on my plans for college and my future career. Despite my broken Spanish, I remember being able to converse comfortably. Also, I learned more about the country. The grocery store is called Colmado, Soda is called Refresco, and my favorite fast food to buy is Pica Pollo, which is fried chicken with a side. My Spanish improved and somehow made me feel I belonged here. My family’s connections and the learning opportunities I encountered during the trip did not get deterred by the language barrier.

My Spanish does not make me any less Hispanic. When I visited people from the country, I learned that my fear isn’t as big as I had thought. During those memorable experiences, I realized I still belong in my community no matter what. I own my truth and continue to learn and love my heritage. I grew more confident in my speaking ability and developed the courage to step out of my comfort zone and try speaking with people even if it seemed daunting.


Assignment #3 Outline

Posted by Shaoqin Li (He/him) on

What will your topic be?

My topic will be the impact of the overuse of guns in school areas that mainly focus on why guns should get banned.

Who will be your intended audience?

The audience will basically be everyone since gun issues are always a national issue

What will your purpose be?

introduce the harms of legalizing buying guns on the neighborhood and schools to petition the government to restrict on guns and bring in a peaceful and safety living area.

What sources will you use?

I will use two blogs

Source 1:Julie Collins and Emily Swoveland, “The Impact of Gun Violence on Children, Families, & Communities”

Source 2:healthy school campaign, “Why Gun Violence Is a Student Health Issue”

maybe i will also add some of the things that I saw relating to this topics

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