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3 Articles


Class #12: “Open Classroom”

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on


We’re using class this and next week as work time! Please bring any questions you have on assignment #3 – researched essay. We will also set up Breakout Rooms for folks who want to co-work together!

Possible topics for questions:

Citations – which format? why? how?

Finding and Evaluating Sources – how? where to look? 

Audience – who are you trying to convince? what considerations do you need to prioritize?

How to Integrate Sources – summary v. paraphrase v. quote

If your time this and next week are better used not attending class, that is fine. Please be sure to submit your digital receipt for the week so I have a record of what you worked on!

See folks at 2pm at our UPDATED ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82719242667?pwd=aGlZQzR0a2p4VWhnNEM5RzZMU3ZGQT09



Assignment #3 Outline

Posted by Shaoqin Li (He/him) on

What will your topic be?

My topic will be the impact of the overuse of guns in school areas that mainly focus on why guns should get banned.

Who will be your intended audience?

The audience will basically be everyone since gun issues are always a national issue

What will your purpose be?

introduce the harms of legalizing buying guns on the neighborhood and schools to petition the government to restrict on guns and bring in a peaceful and safety living area.

What sources will you use?

I will use two blogs

Source 1:Julie Collins and Emily Swoveland, “The Impact of Gun Violence on Children, Families, & Communities”

Source 2:healthy school campaign, “Why Gun Violence Is a Student Health Issue”

maybe i will also add some of the things that I saw relating to this topics

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