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18 Articles


Class #5 – Async Only

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on


A reminder that we will not meet tomorrow 9/20/22. Please post your WLLN Draft to our course site and respond to 2 of your peers’ posts before we next meet on 9/27/22.

Responses to some questions:

Do you have an example of a multimodal WLLN?  – Yes. Here is mine from a class I took 6 years ago:

Does my submission for the WLLN need to be exactly one page? – NO – the point of submitting a draft is to get some feedback from me and your peers. Requirements are there to help you. If they are not helpful for you, talk to me.

Where can I submit my work? – You will navigate to our course website. You will log into your CUNY Commons account. You will navigate to our site Dashboard –> Posts –> Add New. You will type your post here and choose the corresponding category and then you will publish this post. 

What now? – Navigate to the WLLN Drafts category in the site menu. Leave a comment on two of your colleagues’ posts based on the peer review worksheet.

OK? Stay tuned to our course site for more soon. Thank you all!


Class #4: Video and Schedule Updates

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Howdy all,

Video is up from class yesterday 9/13/2022:

For next week, I’ve asked you to please post a 1-page draft of your WLLN assignment to our course site. Please us the category WLLN DRAFT when you post your draft. This draft will replace your digital receipt #5. Please be sure to post your WLLN Draft before 9/20!

For class on 9/20, we’re again going to do asynchronous work. I got an appointment with a medical specialist I have been waiting almost a year to see, so we will not meet synchronously on September 20!

Readings on the course schedule have been removed/updated to make time for our writing projects. Check out the updates here:

Blackboard is fine again 🙂

Talk soon,



Class September 13, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

See y’all at 2pm at our class Zoom link!

Be prepared to discuss the WLLN assignment!

We will also spend time during class today working on some brainstorming for the WLLN assignment. Please come prepared to write on a device of your choosing!

Gentle reminder to not email me any of your work. I cannot filter thousands of daily emails. Please post everything to the course site using the appropriate post category!


Class #3: Asynchronous Only

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hi all,

If you missed our Thursday meeting, you can view the recording here. One major thing we discussed was that I messed up our course meeting time. We are scheduled to meet on Tuesdays: same time, same Zoom link, just a new day. If you cannot make this time work, please contact me. I apologize for the confusion!!!!

Tomorrow I will be attending a conference, so instead of meeting synchronously, I am asking you to respond to at least two of your classmates’ responses to the Backpacks v. Briefcases reading by our next class meeting on TUESDAY SEPT 13, 2022 using the comments feature: what did you learn from this post? what questions do you have for the post’s author?

I’ve updated the course schedule to reflect this and I have added one additional short assignment:

Please closely read the WLLN assignment and make notes of your questions, concerns, and requests for resources. We will discuss this prompt in more detail on September 13, 2022. Please bring your questions with you to class that day!

Digital receipts are due this week as normal!

Thanks again everyone for your patience as we get into a regular routine!



Class #2: September 1, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hi all,

I just realized that I misunderstood our course schedule and I want to discuss how my misunderstanding has impacted y’all. I see that we are scheduled to meet synchronously on Tuesdays, not Thursdays. This is my misunderstanding and we will take time during our class meeting tomorrow. If you cannot attend our current class meeting time due to a scheduling conflict, please email me directly at [email protected] 

No absences or lateness will count against you until we finalize our class schedule TOGETHER. My sincere apologies for any confusion this has caused y’all. 

Tomorrow (Thursday September 1) at 2pm I will lead us in a WordPress crash course for using our site at our class Zoom link.

If you have created a CUNY Academic Commons account, you should have an email inviting you to join our course site! Please follow the link and instructions there to become an author on our course site. If you’re having technical issues, plan to discuss this with me tomorrow. 

Thanks very much for your patience!



Class #1: August 25, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Greetings all,

The recording of our first class meeting is available! Here is a link to the YT video of our first meeting on Thursday August 25, 2022. Captions forthcoming!

I have seen quite a few comments up on the course site! They’re all looking great. The assignment is to successfully post a comment. If you have done this, you have completed the assignment. Great job!!!

Additionally, you will see several short readings posted. Please read these for us to discuss on Thursday!

Remember: we do not meet synchronously on Tuesdays. This means no Zoom meeting! Use the 75 minutes we have scheduled for class to complete your assignments on your own time. Please submit all work for each week by the end of the day on Wednesday! We will meet again on Thursday at 2pm using the Zoom link posted to the course site.

I’ll be adding everyone to the course site this week!

Please remember to check the course calendar for your assignments for the week! Bookmark this page!!!

More soon,



Class #1: August 25, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Greetings all,

Please be sure that you’ve connected your CCNY email address to your Blackboard account! We’ll use Blackboard for announcements and we’ll use our course site for everything else.

Be prepared to meet at our scheduled time tomorrow (2PM EST) at this Zoom link.


Please go ahead and sign up for a CUNY Academic Commons account using your CUNY email address. Here’s a link to the Help section of the Commons:

Tomorrow we will take a brief site tour and introduce ourselves, then go over some expectations for this course. 

Looking forward to meeting everyone at 2PM on Thursday, August 25, 2022!

More soon,



Instructions for Posting Digital Receipts and Weekly Responses

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

To submit Digital Receipts and Weekly Responses:

  1. You must be logged into the Commons and a member of the course site
  2. Navigate to Dashboard –> Posts –> Add New; alternately, select the “+ New” icon from the top toolbar and select “Post”
  3. Input text/media into editor, including an appropriate title, e.g. “Jesse’s Week #1 Response”
  4. Scroll down below editor to “Categories” menu along the right side of the editor screen
  5. Select correct category for post! E.g., “Week #1 Response”
  6. Publish
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