Class #2: September 1, 2022
Hi all,
I just realized that I misunderstood our course schedule and I want to discuss how my misunderstanding has impacted y’all. I see that we are scheduled to meet synchronously on Tuesdays, not Thursdays. This is my misunderstanding and we will take time during our class meeting tomorrow. If you cannot attend our current class meeting time due to a scheduling conflict, please email me directly at [email protected]
No absences or lateness will count against you until we finalize our class schedule TOGETHER. My sincere apologies for any confusion this has caused y’all.
Tomorrow (Thursday September 1) at 2pm I will lead us in a WordPress crash course for using our site at our class Zoom link.
If you have created a CUNY Academic Commons account, you should have an email inviting you to join our course site! Please follow the link and instructions there to become an author on our course site. If you’re having technical issues, plan to discuss this with me tomorrow.
Thanks very much for your patience!