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18 Articles

Posts/Digital Receipt #2/Week #2 Response

Digital Receipt #2: Backpacks vs. Briefcase Response

Posted by Ashraf Alam on

Summary of Reading

The article describes what everyone does every day: analyzing a situation or entity based on perspectives, actions, what they see visually, and what they hear; the concept itself—rhetoric analysis— is the idea of understanding/interpreting a given argument with the notion of identifying the purpose, targeted audience, and the main reason behind making the argument in the first place. There are three main parts to understanding rhetorical moments/events: exigence, audience, and constraints. Exigence is the reason why the person (who created the argument) made it this way. The audience is the target group for that said argument. Constraints are the limits of exigence; this can be any form of limitation: forcing the exigence to be that way. The ethos, pathos, and logos of an argument also help shape the structure and strength of an argument and can change the way people perceive that said argument. When looking at a statement or argument, it is best to identify these things: which will make you understand the rhetorical analysis better.

My personal experience

Aside from the mobile ads and online sponsorships that make you want to buy a product or item of clothing, the best example in which I analyzed a situation or person (that I can think of) was when I was paired up with a research partner in my junior year of high school. The person whom I had the option of working with had a negative/not-so-popular reputation among our class. Most of the people that knew him personally said that he could be hot-headed at times and that it was not fun to work with him; he always wanted to do things his way. The ethos of such arguments made by such individuals was not of a question as they knew him better than me, some even working with him in prior years. The exigence of these arguments might have been based on the negative experiences they may have had with him, but the constraints with that exigence would be that they had not worked with him for a while, meaning he could have changed his habits. He also could have had personal issues that they were unaware he was attending to result in such work behaviors. Despite all the warnings, I still choose to partner up with him. I found out that he was hot-headed, but not due to his lack of decency, but rather his obsession with being perfect. He set an almost impossible standard for our work, one in which everything needed to hundred percent correct at all times: being with grammar, data, statistics, formatting, and more. Using opinions that I heard from close people to judge him based on his work and how he manages to work with others, I made the wrong decision of disregarding him as a tyrant: when he was not.


Class #3: Asynchronous Only

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hi all,

If you missed our Thursday meeting, you can view the recording here. One major thing we discussed was that I messed up our course meeting time. We are scheduled to meet on Tuesdays: same time, same Zoom link, just a new day. If you cannot make this time work, please contact me. I apologize for the confusion!!!!

Tomorrow I will be attending a conference, so instead of meeting synchronously, I am asking you to respond to at least two of your classmates’ responses to the Backpacks v. Briefcases reading by our next class meeting on TUESDAY SEPT 13, 2022 using the comments feature: what did you learn from this post? what questions do you have for the post’s author?

I’ve updated the course schedule to reflect this and I have added one additional short assignment:

Please closely read the WLLN assignment and make notes of your questions, concerns, and requests for resources. We will discuss this prompt in more detail on September 13, 2022. Please bring your questions with you to class that day!

Digital receipts are due this week as normal!

Thanks again everyone for your patience as we get into a regular routine!


Digital Receipts/Digital Receipt #1/Posts

Digital Receipt #1

Posted by Harin D on

Harin Dharmasena 

Digital Receipt #1 

Reading, Listening, Viewing  

This week I spent approximately 1 hour going over all the course documents and exploring the course site. For the documents, I understood each one and was able to figure out how the layout of the class worked. I read the two links on labor logs and grading and how we would be graded in this course. I spent time making sure that I understood everything in the documents, especially in the syllabus. I got how the digital receipts (labor logs) worked and how our assignments and work in this class would be critiqued. I also read the graphic novel pertaining to what we would be covering in class and understood the points of the use of rhetoric in writing. While going through the course documents I was able to focus easily and easily understand what is required of me. I would say that I worked at my normal speed and work ethic and was able to clearly grasp this week’s workload.  


This week our only writing assignment was to learn how the comments section for week 1 worked. This took me about 5 to 10 minutes in total to do, as I was slowly figuring out the common’s website. After creating my account, I was able to comment on the post and complete the assignment. During this assignment, I worked at a normal speed trying to learn how the assignment was a post to be handed in. I do not believe that I struggled at this yet did my best.  

Providing & Responding to Feedback  

As this is the first week of assignments for this course, I have not really received any feedback yet but am hoping to get some feedback on how to better improve my digital receipts and how to further understand how the course site works.  


I learned how to create a digital receipt (labor log) and grasped how this weekly task could show my growth in this class. I think I completed the writing assignment as best as I could, although I hope to learn with future assignments. I also learned how important it is that I present my work regularly to receive credit. I am slowly learning how the course site within commons works, and how to master the controls of the site. I have a basic understanding of how the course site operates and am looking forward to receiving feedback on how to better improve these digital receipts.   


Thus, because it is the first week of class, and I have only had such a few times with my classmates have not had the chance to collaborate at all. I have introduced myself through the course site and through our week #1 assignment. Other than that, I haven’t had much communication, I am looking forward to collaborating and working with my peers in the coming weeks.  


Class #2: September 1, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hi all,

I just realized that I misunderstood our course schedule and I want to discuss how my misunderstanding has impacted y’all. I see that we are scheduled to meet synchronously on Tuesdays, not Thursdays. This is my misunderstanding and we will take time during our class meeting tomorrow. If you cannot attend our current class meeting time due to a scheduling conflict, please email me directly at 

No absences or lateness will count against you until we finalize our class schedule TOGETHER. My sincere apologies for any confusion this has caused y’all. 

Tomorrow (Thursday September 1) at 2pm I will lead us in a WordPress crash course for using our site at our class Zoom link.

If you have created a CUNY Academic Commons account, you should have an email inviting you to join our course site! Please follow the link and instructions there to become an author on our course site. If you’re having technical issues, plan to discuss this with me tomorrow. 

Thanks very much for your patience!



Class #1: August 25, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Greetings all,

The recording of our first class meeting is available! Here is a link to the YT video of our first meeting on Thursday August 25, 2022. Captions forthcoming!

I have seen quite a few comments up on the course site! They’re all looking great. The assignment is to successfully post a comment. If you have done this, you have completed the assignment. Great job!!!

Additionally, you will see several short readings posted. Please read these for us to discuss on Thursday!

Remember: we do not meet synchronously on Tuesdays. This means no Zoom meeting! Use the 75 minutes we have scheduled for class to complete your assignments on your own time. Please submit all work for each week by the end of the day on Wednesday! We will meet again on Thursday at 2pm using the Zoom link posted to the course site.

I’ll be adding everyone to the course site this week!

Please remember to check the course calendar for your assignments for the week! Bookmark this page!!!

More soon,



Class #1: August 25, 2022

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Greetings all,

Please be sure that you’ve connected your CCNY email address to your Blackboard account! We’ll use Blackboard for announcements and we’ll use our course site for everything else.

Be prepared to meet at our scheduled time tomorrow (2PM EST) at this Zoom link.


Please go ahead and sign up for a CUNY Academic Commons account using your CUNY email address. Here’s a link to the Help section of the Commons:

Tomorrow we will take a brief site tour and introduce ourselves, then go over some expectations for this course. 

Looking forward to meeting everyone at 2PM on Thursday, August 25, 2022!

More soon,


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