Assignment #2: Rhetorical Analysis // Digital Receipt #9
For Digital receipt #9, I have completed my draft for Assignment #2: Rhetorical Analysis. For this assignment the text I’m referring to is:
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For Digital receipt #9, I have completed my draft for Assignment #2: Rhetorical Analysis. For this assignment the text I’m referring to is:
Samar Normand
Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Rhetorical Analysis Response
Rhetorical Analysis is noticing the smaller details around you. Subconsciously you make quick judgements and analysis everyday. The main elements rhetorical Analysis includes are: the audience, purpose, medium, context, language and formality.
In my day to day life, I have learnt to be a lot less judgmental as we are all going through something, however I definitely observe and watch how people move, act, speak, and style. I find it very interesting to witness human beings in their own worlds living. As well as people, I experience situations like a room with loud music and lights, and draw conclusions and judgements based on the environment, visual situation, and how I feel.
Laura Bolin Caroll emphasizes being curious about rhetoric: Question the context, and formulate opinions on your beliefs after the message is heard/witnessed. Included in a persuasive argument are: Logos, Pathos and Ethos. Only using one component will likely not be as powerful as using all three appeals, which entails reason, emotion and credibility. Pathos can be conveyed through an anecdote, images, and humor.
Rhetoric is used in various ways such as: cartoons, videos, images, graphs. All of these include an aspect of persuasion, meaning they would like you to believe a certain thing, and accept they are correct. Rhetorical Analysis helps avoid falling into a one way thinking mind trap, it allows for interest and question. This type of Analysis is also helpful to understand as we encounter a variety of different situations where we should be inquisitive about what is going on.