Digital Receipt #1

TR 2:00-3:15pm | [email protected] |
When you think of rhetorical analysis, you think of another literary skill that we’re going to have to learn to use in this class. But upon reading this article, I’ve learned that it’s prominently used throughout our everyday lives. Whether it comes from politicians and their campaigns, advocacy about environmental reforms, or from the ads we see online, rhetoric surprises us in the different shapes and forms it comes in. Rhetorical analysis is used just as often. It took me reading this article to figure out that I wasn’t the only one doing it. When we’re presented with something or someone unfamiliar, we as humans inherently try to analyze a situation before it’s fully presented to us whether we’re aware of it or not. We often do this when we’re presented with things we’re unfamiliar with like meeting someone for the first time or trying foods you’ve never tried before.
A prime example of this in my life is every time I’m about to read a book. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Even though this is an important principle to follow through, I often judge things based on my first impressions. So whenever I read a book, I read the title, the author, and the synopsis at the back of the book. When I was handed the book, Hamlet, I thought it’d be boring since it was written by Shakespeare but his name itself has its credibility so I gave reading the synopsis a shot. The cover page looked dramatic but it also looked like there was something more to the book than just the play. And as it turns out, the book has an amazing plot and it was worth the time to read it. I continue to use rhetorical analysis everytime I’m given the opportunity to read a book to see if it’s worth my while.
On a daily basis, I see and hear examples of rhetoric like ads to download other applications, mainly games, or buy items, like makeup or toys, on Instagram, and on other social media platforms, on emails that are trying to get me to sign up for an event or cause, and on streaming services to keep me watching by recommending me similar content. Also, on certain posts on social media and news sites that promote products or try to influence my personal opinion of current world issues. Some ways that I create rhetoric are how I present myself with my clothes, hair, posture, and how I act or communicate. I try to communicate how I am approachable and kind with my simple clothing and tone of voice. I also try to show that I am relaxed and a little lazy with my slumped posture. Lastly, my colored hair can show that I am a fun and bright person. An example of a rhetorical situation that I have found myself in is trying to convince my parents into letting my sister and me get a dog. The exigence is a responsibility my parents want me and my sister to take on, the issue is that they are not sure what that responsibility they want us to take on is. The audience in this rhetorical situation is my parents. They are the ones that my sister and I must convince in order to get a dog. The constraints are the fact that my parents were averse to getting a dog due to the high cost and maintenance needed to care for a dog. Another constraint was my mother’s pickiness on what kind of dog she would be okay with, not a dog too big or small and a dog that is able to protect the home.
Longer text sections
Harin Dharmasena
Digital Receipt #1
Reading, Listening, Viewing
This week I spent approximately 1 hour going over all the course documents and exploring the course site. For the documents, I understood each one and was able to figure out how the layout of the class worked. I read the two links on labor logs and grading and how we would be graded in this course. I spent time making sure that I understood everything in the documents, especially in the syllabus. I got how the digital receipts (labor logs) worked and how our assignments and work in this class would be critiqued. I also read the graphic novel pertaining to what we would be covering in class and understood the points of the use of rhetoric in writing. While going through the course documents I was able to focus easily and easily understand what is required of me. I would say that I worked at my normal speed and work ethic and was able to clearly grasp this week’s workload.
This week our only writing assignment was to learn how the comments section for week 1 worked. This took me about 5 to 10 minutes in total to do, as I was slowly figuring out the common’s website. After creating my account, I was able to comment on the post and complete the assignment. During this assignment, I worked at a normal speed trying to learn how the assignment was a post to be handed in. I do not believe that I struggled at this yet did my best.
Providing & Responding to Feedback
As this is the first week of assignments for this course, I have not really received any feedback yet but am hoping to get some feedback on how to better improve my digital receipts and how to further understand how the course site works.
I learned how to create a digital receipt (labor log) and grasped how this weekly task could show my growth in this class. I think I completed the writing assignment as best as I could, although I hope to learn with future assignments. I also learned how important it is that I present my work regularly to receive credit. I am slowly learning how the course site within commons works, and how to master the controls of the site. I have a basic understanding of how the course site operates and am looking forward to receiving feedback on how to better improve these digital receipts.
Thus, because it is the first week of class, and I have only had such a few times with my classmates have not had the chance to collaborate at all. I have introduced myself through the course site and through our week #1 assignment. Other than that, I haven’t had much communication, I am looking forward to collaborating and working with my peers in the coming weeks.