Shahed Ahmed (He/Him)

Digital Receipt #4/WLLN Draft/Digital Receipt #4/WLLN Draft

WLLN Draft

Posted by Shahed Ahmed (He/Him) on

Coding. It has been the single most thing that has changed my life forever. I took my first ever coding class, Intro to Computer Science, with Mr. Segal. I had this teacher for geometry from the following year so I was a little excited about what he had in hold for us in this class. So when I say that this class, along with my teacher, has changed my life, I meant every single word of it.

I was always very fond of the technological field but I never knew what I particularly wanted to do with myself. But after writing down my first line of code,

System.out.println(“Hello World”);

I knew that this was going to be a defining moment in my life. I’m not saying that this class didn’t have its downsides because it definitely did. Coding was really challenging but even though it was frustrating at times, I loved doing it. I would often take projects home with me so I can find out what line of code prevented the whole thing from working. But after hours of continuously working, I managed my way around it. All my hard work paid off and I finally got a point where I was the one helping other students and peers out with their code.

I felt so inspired by my love of coding that I created a club at my school called the Game Design Club with my amazing teacher Mr. Segal where I introduced coding to those who never coded before. I got to share the same passion I had with coding with others and that made me feel accomplished. And after introducing this to others in the community, I began working on creating some games with code which became really next level coding. I thought my class projects were hard but creating games doesn’t even come close to this. But I’m glad I got the opportunity to find what I love to do at such a young age. I’m really thankful for my teacher for taking the time to help me get better at coding and for making such a big impact on my life.

Digital Receipts/Digital Receipt #2/Weekly Responses/Week #2 Response

Digital Receipt #2: Backpacks vs. Briefcase Response

Posted by Shahed Ahmed (He/Him) on

When you think of rhetorical analysis, you think of another literary skill that we’re going to have to learn to use in this class. But upon reading this article, I’ve learned that it’s prominently used throughout our everyday lives. Whether it comes from politicians and their campaigns, advocacy about environmental reforms, or from the ads we see online, rhetoric surprises us in the different shapes and forms it comes in. Rhetorical analysis is used just as often. It took me reading this article to figure out that I wasn’t the only one doing it. When we’re presented with something or someone unfamiliar, we as humans inherently try to analyze a situation before it’s fully presented to us whether we’re aware of it or not. We often do this when we’re presented with things we’re unfamiliar with like meeting someone for the first time or trying foods you’ve never tried before.

A prime example of this in my life is every time I’m about to read a book. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Even though this is an important principle to follow through, I often judge things based on my first impressions. So whenever I read a book, I read the title, the author, and the synopsis at the back of the book. When I was handed the book, Hamlet, I thought it’d be boring since it was written by Shakespeare but his name itself has its credibility so I gave reading the synopsis a shot. The cover page looked dramatic but it also looked like there was something more to the book than just the play. And as it turns out, the book has an amazing plot and it was worth the time to read it. I continue to use rhetorical analysis everytime I’m given the opportunity to read a book to see if it’s worth my while.

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